
Preface: Introducing GPS
And, how this manual can get you out on the road, fast!
Welcome to the exciting world of turn-by-turn GPS navigation! We
know you're anxious to begin finding your way, but we have a favor to
ask. Before you grab the iWAY
100m and begin installing it, please
give us a moment or two to explain how our manual can help you get
the best performance from your turn-by-turn mapping GPS receiver.
Our goal for this book is to get you on the road fast, with a minimum of
fuss. Like you, we'd rather spend more time actually getting somewhere
and less time reading about it in the manual!
So, we designed our book so that you don't have to read the whole thing
from front to back for the information you want. At the start (or end) of
each segment, we'll tell you what content is coming up next. If it's a
concept you're already familiar with, we'll show you how and where to
skip ahead for the next important topic. We've also made it easy to look
up any tips you may need from time to time. Here's how:
The manual is organized into four sections. Section 1 will help you in-
stall the iWAY in your vehicle. We'll also show you how to add an MMC
card containing your local map information. We'll finish by describing
some of the available accessories.
Section 2 covers the Map Display and Map Menu Options. It will show
you how easy it is to run the iWAY, right out of the box. This section
features a one-page GPS Practice Run. (If you've already jumped
ahead and figured out how to install the unit yourself, and you
just can't wait any longer, turn to the Practice Run on page 21
and head for the road with your GPS unit!)
Section 3 describes the Main Menu Options, the commands used to config-
ure things like screen brightness, sound levels and units of measure. We’ll
also show you how to use utilities like the Trip Calculator.
Finally, in Section 4, we’ll go into detail on how to search for and navigate
to points of interest, addresses and waypoints you’ve created. We’ll also
offer tips on how to understand and follow the automatic turn-by-turn
routes that you’ve created. Before we go any further, we'd like to take
just a moment to explain how the iWAY works.
How Lowrance GPS and the GPS System Work
You'll navigate a little easier if you understand the basics of how the
iWAY 100m scans the sky to tell you where you are and where you're
going. (If you already understand GPS receivers and the GPS system,
skip on ahead to Section 1, Installation & Accessories on page 7.)