
2-32 Issue 1 June 2000
Start the Voice System
Perform the following steps to start the voice system.
1. Starting at the System Management screen, select:
The system displays the following prompt:
The system checks the voice file directories, audits the database, runs
various checks, and then displays the following prompts:
Saving output to Trace process
The system messages might wipe out the Console Login prompt
Please hit the <ENTER> key after the messages stop scrolling on the
Press Enter to continue ...
2. Press to return to the System Control screen.
3. Press (Cancel) twice to return to the Customer/Services Administration
4. Continue with Task 10, Administer the Lucent INTUITY System for
Operation with the MERLIN LEGEND.
Task 10 - Administer the Lucent INTUITY System
for Operation with the MERLIN LEGEND
1. Administer the switch interface on the Lucent INTUITY system. See
Chapter 6, INTUITY System Administration, in INTUITY Integration with
MERLIN LEGEND Communications System, 585-310-255, Issue 1.
Do not stop and start the voice system at this time. The shutdown
and turning the system off and on in the next series of tasks eliminate
the need to stop and start the voice system.
2. If the channel numbering is changing (the customer is altering the dial
plan), map the Lucent INTUITY channels to the switch extensions. Use
Map Channels to Switch Extensions, Channel Mapping, page A-1.
> Start Voice System
> System Control