
Channel Mapping
A-18 Issue 1 June 2000
4. Select Services to Channels from the Assign screen.
5. Press to display the Services to Channels screen.
6. Press (Choices) to display all possible services.
The possible services include that may be assigned directly to the
channel include:
*DNIS_SVC: allows the system to apply the service definitions
entered under the Assign Service to Called Number screen
AUDIX+ldg: allows callers access to either the INTUITY AUDIX
application or the INTUITY Lodging application based upon the
identity of the phone from which they are calling
AUDIX: allows designated called number accesses the INTUITY
AUDIX application.
ldg_ni_ca: allows callers to leave a message for any guest after
entering the guests extension number.
ldg_ni_vm: allows guests to retrieve messages from any phone
after entering an extension number
lodging: provides lodging voice mail and call answer services
without entering the extension number
7. Highlight the service. Use the up and/or down arrow keys to move the
highlight bar.
8. Press with your selection highlighted.
9. Enter channel number for the selected service.
Do not enter the numbers of channels that have not been
purchased, or the system will generate alarms.
If you are assigning the same service to all of the channels, you may
enter all to assign the same service to all of the channel numbers at
one time. You may also enter a range of channels. You do not need
to enter the service and the associated channel individually if the
same service will be assigned to more than 1 channel.
10. Press (Save).
The system responds with a Command Output screen verifying that the
designated channels are assigned the specified service.
11. Press (Cancel) to return to the Assign Service to Voice Channels
12. Repeat Step 6 through Step 11 for each channel that needs to be
assigned. When you have assigned services to the voice channels,
continue with the next step.