Start Menu Program Options 37
E-EQ-RX2RG-B RX2 Reference Guide
Access: Start | Programs | Communication
The connection starts automatically when the cable is attached to both the RX2 and the PC. The
Connect menu item is not used.
Start FTP Server / Stop FTP Server
The \System folder is the default directory for the FTP server on the RX2. The FTP server can be
launched by selecting Start | Programs | Communication | Start FTP Server. The server
defaults to Off (for security) unless it is explicitly turned on from the menu. A shortcut is also
provided to stop the FTP server.
Command Prompt
Access: Start | Programs | Command Prompt
Figure 3-3 Pocket CMD Prompt Screen
Type help at the command prompt for a list of available commands.
Exit the Command Prompt by typing exit at the command prompt or select File | Close.
Windows Explorer
Access: Start | Programs | Windows Explorer
There are a few changes in the CE .NET version of Windows Explorer as it relates to the general
desktop PC Windows Explorer options. Click the “?” button to access Windows Explorer Help.