40 Control Panel Options
RX2 Reference Guide E-EQ-RX2RG-B
Option Function
Remove Programs Remove user installed programs in their entirety.
RFID RFID Configuration Utility. Set Tag, Filter, Power, Read, and Format
parameters. Use this option to upgrade RFID firmware.
Scanner Assign baud rate, parity, stop bits and data bits for available COM
Storage Manager * Manage storage devices, create partitions.
Stylus * Set double-click sensitivity properties.
System Review System and Computer data and revision levels. Adjust Storage
and Program memory settings.
Volume and Sounds Set volume parameters and assign sound wav files to CE .NET events.
* Because of the RX2’s headless design, these items are of limited functionality. Please see
Appendix B, “Additional Configuration Options”, for more information on these items.
Access: Start | Settings | Control Panel | About
Displays hardware and software details.
Tab Title Contents
Software GUID, Windows CE Version, OAL Version, Bootloader Version, Compile
Version, FPGA Version and Language
Hardware CPU Type, Codec Type, FPGA Version, Scanner type, Display, Flash memory,
and DRAM memory
Versions LXE Utilities, LXE Drivers, LXE Image, LXE API, and Internet Explorer
Network IP Current network connection IP and MAC address.
User application version information can be shown in the Version window. Version window
information is taken from the registry.
Modify the Registry using the Registry Editor (see section titled “Utilities”). LXE recommends
caution when editing the Registry and also recommends making a backup copy of the registry
before changes are made.
The registry settings for the Version window are under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ Software \
LXE \ Version in the registry.
Create a new string value under this key. The string name should be the Application name to
appear in the Version window. The data for the value should be the version number to appear in
the Version window.