HSDPA Standard At Commands Page 21 of 60 Version 1.2
command +<name>s, which is intended to permit the user
of the MT2 to identify the minimum capabilities of the MT2.
An MT2 conforming to this standard shall include the
following items, as a minimum, in the result code for the
+GCAP command:
+CIS707, +MS, +ES, +DS, +FCLASS (Default)
+GCI=<T.35> Opt. selects the country of installation for the TA using ITU T
Recommendation T.35 Annex A country codes
Not supported
1.16. PCCA STD‑101 [17] select wireless network +WS46
Table 12. PCCA STD‑101 [17] select wireless network +WS46
Command Req Description Support
select wireless network
1.17. Informative examples
1.17.1. Phone model
Command: AT+CGMM
Expected response: Model
1.17.2. Phone Manufacturer
Command: AT+CGMI
Expected response: Manufacturer
1.17.3. Checking mobile state
Command: AT+CPAS
Expected response:+CPAS: State
State possible values:
0: available
3: ringing
4: call in progress
1.17.4. Firmware version reading
Command: AT+CGMR
Expected response: +CGMR: Firmware
1.17.5. IMEI number reading
Command: AT+CGSN
Expected response: +CGSN: IMEI