HSDPA Standard At Commands Page 29 of 60 Version 1.2
1.22. Change password +CPWD
Action command sets a new password for the facility lock function defined by command Facility
Lock +CLCK.
Table 18. +CPWD action command syntax
Command Possible response(s)
+CME ERROR: <err>
+CPWD=? +CPWD: list of supported (<fac>,<pwdlength>)s
+CME ERROR: <err>
refer Facility Lock +CLCK for other values
<oldpwd>, <newpwd>: string type; <oldpwd> shall be the same as
password specified for the facility from the MT user interface or with
command Change Password +CPWD and <newpwd> is the new password;
maximum length of password can be determined with <pwdlength>
<pwdlength>: integer type maximum length of the password for the facility
1.23. Preferred PLMN list +CPOL
This command refers to the GSM/UMTS supplementary service COLP (Connected Line
Identification Presentation) that enables a calling subscriber to get the connected line identity
(COL) of the called party after setting up a mobile originated call. The command enables or
disables the presentation of the COL at the TE. It has no effect on the execution of the
supplementary service COLR in the network.
When enabled (and called subscriber allows), +COLP:
<number>,<type>[,<subaddr>,<satype> [,<alpha>]] intermediate result code is returned
from TA to TE before any +CR or V.25ter [14] responses. It is manufacturer specific if this
response is used when normal voice call is established.
Read command gives the status of <n>, and also triggers an interrogation of the provision status
of the COLP service according 3GPP TS 22.081 [3] (given in <m>).