HSDPA Standard At Commands Page 31 of 60 Version 1.2
3: use for set format, see below
4: manual/automatic. If manual choice fails then make an automatic registration
Format possible values:
0: short alphanumeric format
1: long alphanumeric format
2: numeric format
name is operator name corresponding to the format.
Command: AT+COPS=3, format command used to change the name format
Expected response: OK
Format possible values:
0: short alphanumeric format
1: long alphanumeric format
2: numeric format
1.25.2. IMSI number reading
Command: AT+CIMI
Expected response: IMSINumber
1.25.3. GPRS Attachment
Command: AT+CGATT=1
Expected response: OK or ERROR
Command: AT+CGATT?
Expected response: 1 or 0 depending on GPRS attachment
1.25.4. Network registration
UI waits for registered or Roaming status before going further.
Command: AT+CREG?
Expected response: +CREG: 0,Status
Status possible values:
0 : no network found
1 : registered
2 : not registered, looking for network
3 : registration denied
4 : unknown
5 : roaming
1.25.5. Own number reading
Command: AT+CNUM
Expected response: +CNUM: “String”,”OwnNumber”