HSDPA Standard At Commands Page 37 of 60 Version 1.2
Packet Domain Command(GPRS)
1.32. UMTS packet Domain commands
This clause defines commands that a TE may use to control a MT supporting packet switched
services. Other aspects of a Packet Domain MT are described in 3GPP TS 27.060 [34].
It is anticipated that Packet Domain MTs will vary widely in functionality. At one extreme, a MT
supporting CS/PS or class-A mode of operation might support multiple PDP types as well as
circuit switched data, and use multiple external networks and QoS profiles. At the other extreme
a MT supporting only PS or class-C mode of operation might support only a single PDP type
using a single external network, and rely on the HLR to contain the PDP context definition.
A comprehensive set of Packet Domain-specifc commands is defined in clause 10.1 to provide the
flexibility needed by the more complex MT. The commands are designed to be expandable to
accommodate new PDP types and interface protocols, merely by defining new values for many of
the parameters. Multiple contexts may be activated if the interface link-layer protocol is able to
support them. The commands use the extended information and error message capabilities
described in this specification.
For MTs of intermediate complexity, most commands have simplified forms where certain
parameters may be omitted.
For the simplest MTs, and for backwards compatibility with existing communications
software, it is possible to control access to the Packet Domain using existing modem-
compatible commands. A special dial-string syntax is defined for use with the D command.
This "modem compatible" mode of operation is described in subclause 10.2.
A discussion on the interaction of the AT commands, Packet Domain Management and
Packet Data Protocols, together with examples of command sequences for a number of
applications may be found in 3GPP TS 27.060 [34].
Table 27. UMTS packet Domain commands
Command Req Description Support
+CGDCONT Mand. Define PDP Context Supported
+CGDSCONT Opt. Define Secondary PDP Context Supported
+CGTFT Opt. Traffic Flow Template Supported
+CGQREQ Opt. Quality of Service Profile (Requested) Supported
+CGQMIN Opt. Quality of Service Profile (Minimum acceptable) Supported
+CGEQREQ Opt. 3G Quality of Service Profile (Requested) Supported
+CGEQMIN Opt. 3G Quality of Service Profile (Minimum acceptable) Supported
+CGEQNEG Opt. 3G Quality of Service Profile (Negotiated) Not supported
+CGATT Opt. PS attach or detach Supported
+CGACT Opt. PDP context activate or deactivate Supported
+CGCMOD Opt. PDP Context Modify Supported
+CGDATA Opt. Enter data state Supported
+CGCLOSP Opt. Configure local Octet Stream PAD parameters Not supported
+CGPADDR Opt. Show PDP address Supported
Automatic response to a network request for PDP context
Not supported