
MS9400 HD FrEND User Guide Chapter 5: Playing Files
32 Rev. 1.50
Chapter 5: Playing Files
MS9400 in a Stand-alone installation
NOTE: Store all video data files and playlist files in the default folder (/media) of the MS9400.
To play files resident on the MS9400 disk drive:
1. Press the <MENU> button on the remote, or, if the menu is already being displayed click on the Clips
button - the HD FrEND Main Menu appears:
The window in the middle of the menu displays a list of all the files available on the player. Any files that
have been transferred to the MS9400 will appear in the Files list.
If the list of files available is too long to fit in the window, a scroll-bar will appear to allow access to
these files.
2. Use the joystick to navigate to the desired file and press <SELECT>, the file will be highlighted
3. Navigate to and Click the <Play> button on the menu; the chosen file will begin loop-play until it receives
a stop command
4. Press the <STOP> button on your hand-held remote control. The player display will go black.
5. Press <MENU> to return to the main menu and select a different file for playback
NOTE: For testing purposes an MPEG “test” clip is included already loaded into the /media folder.