
MS9400 HD FrEND User Guide Chapter 6: Remote Control Protocol
39 Rev. 1.50
This command is used to retrieve the media storage tree from the player. This command doesn’t return a file
listing but just the tree structure.
The player responds with a series of path commands with the following structure. The tree is terminated with an
empty MediaBranch command.
MediaBranch <channel list> <mediapath>
The <channel list> specifies the channels that can use the media. <mediapath> specifies the name of the branch in
a tree format using a unix style format.
Note: The MS9400 default file folder is “/media”. All clips must be stored in the /media folder in order to be
accessed by the player software.
The control system will not interpret the string but will pass it back to the player when creating playlists.
The GetMediaTree command essentially performs a left hand depth first traverse of the media tree.
The following exchange shows an example response from the MS9400 player.
MediaBranch 1 “/media”
GetClips <mediapath>
This command lists the clips available in a MediaBranch (/media folder) passed in the <string> parameter.
The player responds with a series of clip commands with the following structure. The clip list is terminated with
an empty Clip command.
Clip <mediapath> <clip>
Where <string1> contains a branch returned by GetMediaTree, and <string2> is the name of a clip.
The following exchange shows an example response from the player.
Control syntax: GetClips “/media”
Player: Clip “/media” “Videofile_1.mpg”
Player: Clip “/media” “Videofile_2.mpg”
Player: Clip “/media” “Videofile_3.mpg”
Player: Clip