Create the SMTP Server Publishing Rules
The SMTP Message Screener works together with SMTP Server Publishing Rules. Each
SMTP Server Publishing Rule can be configured with a custom set of SMTP Message
Screener parameters. This allows you to create different e-mail screening policies for the
inbound and outbound SMTP relays. Different SMTP Message Screener configurations allow
you to block different e-mail messages coming into the network versus what gets blocked on
the way out.
Perform the following steps to create the Server Publishing Rule that listens on the external
interface of the ISA Server 2004 firewall:
1. Open the Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2004 management
console and expand the server name in the left pane of the console. Click on the Firewall
Policy node.
2. Right click the Firewall Policy node and point to New. Click Server Publishing Rule.
3. On the Welcome to the New Server Publishing Rule Wizard page, enter the name for
the rule in the Server publishing rule name text box. In this example, we will name the
rule Inbound SMTP Relay, as this rule will use the external interface of the ISA Server
2004 to accept incoming mail to be relayed. Click Next.
4. On the Select Server page, enter the IP address on the Internal interface of the ISA
Server 2004 firewall that you want to publish. Enter, which is the primary IP
address on the Internal interface of the ISA Server 2004 firewall machine. Click Next.
5. On the Select Protocol page, select the SMTP Server protocol from the Selected
protocol list. Click Next.
ISA Server 2004 Configuration Guide 193