Create the Outbound SMTP Access Rule
Perform the following steps to create an outbound SMTP Access Rule that enables the ISA
Server 2004 firewall to relay SMTP from the Internal Exchange Server to SMTP servers for
other domains on the Internet:
1. In the Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2004 management
console, expand the computer name in the left pane of the console and click the Firewall
Policy node. Right click on the Firewall Policy node, point to New and click Access
2. In the Welcome to the New Access Rule Wizard page, enter a name for the rule in the
Access Rule name text box. In this example we will call this Outbound SMTP from
Local Host. Click Next.
3. On the Rule Action page, select Allow and click Next.
4. On the Protocols page, select the Selected protocols option from the This rule applies
to list, and click Add.
5. In the Add Protocols dialog box, click on the Common Protocols folder and double click
on the SMTP protocol. Click Close.
6. Click Next on the Protocols page.
7. On the Access Rule Sources page, click the Add button. In the Add Network Entities
dialog box, click the Networks folder and double click on Local Host. Click Close.
8. Click Next on the Access Rule Sources page.
9. On the Access Rule Destinations page, click Add. In the Add Network Entities dialog
box, click the Networks folder and double click on the External network. Click Close.
ISA Server 2004 Configuration Guide 198