
Test the VPN Connection
The ISA Server 2004 VPN server is now ready to accept VPN client connections.
Perform the following steps to test the VPN Server:
1. On the Windows 2000 external client machine, right click the My Network Places icon on
the desktop and click Properties.
2. Double click the Make New Connection icon in the Network and Dial-up Connections
3. Click Next on the Welcome to the Network Connection Wizard page.
4. On the Network Connection Type page, select the Connect to a private network
through the Internet option and click Next.
5. On the Destination Address page, enter the IP address in the Host name
or IP address text box. Click Next.
6. On the Connection Availability page, select the For all users option and click Next.
7. Make no changes on the Internet Connection Sharing page. and click Next.
8. On the Completing the Network Connection Wizard page, enter a name for the VPN
connection in the Type the name you want to use for this connection text box. In this
example, we’ll name the connection ISA VPN. Click Finish.
9. In the Connect ISA VPN dialog box, enter the user name MSFIREWALL\administrator
and the password for the administrator user account. Click Connect.
10. The VPN client establishes a connection with the ISA Server 2004 VPN server. Click OK
in the Connection Complete dialog box informing that the connection is established.
11. Double click the Connection icon in the system tray and click the Details tab. You can
see that MPPE 128 encryption is used to protect the data and IP address assigned to the
VPN client.
ISA Server 2004 Configuration Guide 235