Set the Shared Password in the RRAS Console at the
Main Office
The pre-shared key you entered into the Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration
Server 2004 management console is not automatically copied to the Routing and Remote
Access service. You must configure the Routing and Remote Access service to use the pre-
shared key you configured when creating the Remote Site Network.
To configure the L2TP/IPSec pre-shared key:
1. Click Start and point to Administrative Tools. Click Routing and Remote Access.
2. In the Routing and Remote Access console, right click on the server name. Click
3. In the server Properties dialog box, click the Security tab. On the Security tab, put a
checkmark in the Allow custom IPSec policy for L2TP connection check box. In the
Pre-shared Key text box, enter 123. Click Apply and OK.
4. Close the Routing and Remote Access console.
5. Restart the main office ISA Server 2004 firewall machine.
ISA Server 2004 Configuration Guide 251