Milestone XProtect Smart Client 3.0; User’s Manual
www.milestonesys.com Page 59 Day-to-Day Use
For example, detected motion can be defined as an event which in turn triggers an action, such as
recording on a camera.
Depending on configuration, manually triggered events can be used for a wide variety of purposes,
including triggering combinations of actions. For example, the manual triggering of an event could
make a camera record with a particular frame rate, activate two different outputs, and send an e-
mail alert to three different recipients.
Manual events can be global or tied to a particular camera/device.
Exactly what happens when you manually trigger an event is defined by your surveillance system
administrator. Ask your surveillance system administrator if in doubt about using manually
triggered events in your organization. Your surveillance system administrator may occasionally
know manually triggered events under the name event buttons.
Note: Depending on your user rights, access to manually triggering events may be restricted.
How to Manually Trigger an Event
To manually trigger an event, select the required event in the Event section, and click the Activate
The list of selectable events is grouped by server and camera/device with which the event is
associated. Hierarchically, global events are displayed immediately under the relevant server. In
the above example, Event 1 (the selected event) is a global event.
If external outputs have been defined on your surveillance system, for example for switching on
lights or sounding a siren, such outputs can be triggered from the Smart Client.
Note: Depending on your user rights, access to triggering outputs may be restricted.
To trigger an output, select the required output in the Output section, and the click Activate button.
The list of selectable outputs is grouped by server and camera/device to which the output is