Milestone XProtect Smart Client 3.0; User’s Manual
www.milestonesys.com Page 81 Day-to-Day Use
9. If you used digital zoom on the camera’s images before exporting, you are able to export
the digitally zoomed images rather than the regular images. Select Yes if you want to
export the digitally zoomed images, select No if you want to export the camera’s regular,
non-zoomed, images.
If you did not use digital zoom before exporting, this option will not be available.
10. This step applies for export in the AVI format only; if using the JPEG format, go to
step 11. In the AVI Codec list, select required AVI codec. The list will contain the video
codecs available on your PC.
Tip: A video codec is a particular compression/decompression technology used when
generating video files. Your choice of codec will affect the quality and size of the AVI file.
The Indeo® video 5.10 codec, if available on your PC, generally provides a very good
compromise between quality and file size.
11. Specify export destination in the export dialog’s Export Destination section.
Desktop: If you select Desktop, your exported file will be saved in an
automatically created Exported Images folder on the desktop of your PC.
Path: If you select Path, you are able to specify a path yourself. The exported file
will be saved in an automatically created Exported Images folder under the path
you specify (example: If you specify a path like C:\My Stuff\My Files, the exported
file will be saved in C:\My Stuff\My Files\Exported Images). When specifying a path
this way, the folders you specify do not have to be existing ones; if they do not
already exist, they will be created automatically.
12. This step applies for export in the AVI format only; if using the JPEG format, go to
step 13. By default, the AVI file will get a file name based on the export start time in the
24-hour format, along the structure yyyymmdd-hhmmss.avi (year, month, day, hour,
minute, second; example: 20050927-130603 for a file with a start time of 13:06:03 on
27th September 2005). The name will automatically appear in the AVI File Name field.
The default file name format is independent of regional settings on your computer.
You are always able to change the default file name to a name of your choice, simply by
overwriting the default file name.
13. Click the Export button to begin the export. The status bar in the upper part of the export
dialog will display the status of the export:
Tip: If you are exporting very long sequences, export may—depending on your
selected export settings—take a while. You can continue to use the Smart Client for other
purposes while the export process is underway.
If the Close On Completion check box is selected (default), the export dialog will
automatically close when the export is finished.
Upon completion, you are able to view and distribute the exported file.