Milestone XProtect Smart Client 3.0; User’s Manual
www.milestonesys.com Page 67 Day-to-Day Use
Time Span
Immediately below the timeline browser itself, you are able to specify which time span (1 hour, 2
hours, etc. up to 1 day) should be used in the timeline, and whether the newest recordings should
be indicated at the top or at the bottom of the timeline.
How to Use the Timeline Browser
To browse recordings using the timeline browser, click inside the timeline browser, and move your
mouse up or down without releasing the mouse button.
Tip: If your mouse has a scroll wheel, you can also use the scroll wheel for browsing the
Tip: Browsing is normally quite fast, but you are able to slow down the pace by pressing the
CTRL key on your keyboard while browsing. Note that this does not apply if using your mouse’s
scroll wheel for browsing.
Tip: If using your mouse scroll wheel for browsing, you can quickly change the timeline
browser’s time span by pressing the CTRL key on your keyboard while scrolling.
Tip: Double-click at any point within a timeline to quickly move to that point in time.
Hiding and Showing the Timeline Browser
The timeline browser is useful, but it takes up space in the view. When you do not
need the timeline browser, you can hide it by clicking the small button in the left side
of the timeline browser’s border. The button is located near the timeline browser’s
white horizontal line.
To show the timeline browser, simply click the button again. When the timeline browser is hidden,
the button will be available in the Browse tab’s far right border.
Time Navigation
The Browse tab’s Time Navigation section provides you with controls for browsing and playing back
recorded images from the camera selected in the view.
Time Navigation section. Date and time format
may be different on your computer.