9 - 24
Chapter 9 Major Positioning Control
When the "reference axis speed" is set during interpolation control, set so the major
axis side becomes the reference axis. If the minor axis side is set as the reference
axis, the major axis side speed may exceed the "[Pr.8] Speed limit value".
Limits to interpolation control
There are limits to the interpolation control that can be executed and speed
([Pr.20] Interpolation speed designation method) that can be set, depending on the
"[Pr.1] Unit setting" of the reference axis and interpolation axis. (For example,
circular interpolation control cannot be executed if the reference axis and
interpolation axis units differ.)
The following table shows the interpolation control and speed designation limits.
"[Da.2] Control system"
interpolation control
[Pr.20] Interpolation speed
designation method
[Pr.1] Unit setting
Reference axis and interpolation
axis units are the same, or a
combination of "mm" and "inch".
Reference axis and
interpolation axis units
Linear 2 (ABS, INC)
Fixed-feed 2
Composite speed
Reference axis speed
Circular sub (ABS, INC)
Circular right (ABS, INC)
Circular left (ABS, INC)
Composite speed
Reference axis speed
Linear 3 (ABS, INC)
Fixed-feed 3
Composite speed
Reference axis speed
Linear 4 (ABS, INC)
Fixed-feed 4
Composite speed
Reference axis speed
: Setting possible, : Setting not possible.
1: "mm" and "inch" unit mix possible.
When "mm" and "inch" are mixed, convert as follows for the positioning.
• If interpolation control units are "mm", positioning is controlled by calculating position commands from the address,
travel value, positioning speed and electronic gear, which have been converted to "mm" using the formula: inch
setting value
25.4 = mm setting value.
• If interpolation control units are "inch", positioning is controlled by calculating position commands from the address,
travel value, positioning speed and electronic gear, which have been converted to "inch" using the formula: mm
setting value
25.4 = inch setting value.
2: "degree" setting not possible. The error "Circular interpolation not possible" (error code: 535) will occur and the
positioning control does not start if circular interpolation control is set when the unit is "degree". The machine will
immediately stop if "degree" is set during positioning control.
3: The unit set in the reference axis will be used for the speed unit during control if the units differ or if "mm" and "inch"
are combined.
Axis operation status during interpolation control
"Interpolation" will be stored in the "[Md.26] Axis operation status" during
interpolation control. "Standby" will be stored when the interpolation operation is
terminated. Both the reference axis and interpolation axis will carry out a
deceleration stop if an error occurs during control, and "Error" will be stored in the
operation status.