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Chapter 16 Troubleshooting
16.5 List of warnings
The following table shows the warning details and remedies to be taken when a
warning occurs.
16.5.1 QD77MS detection warning
of warnings
Warning name Warning Operation status at warning occurrence
— 000 (Normal status) — —
100 Start during operation
• The start request is issued while the axis
is BUSY.
• Positioning was started during speed
control mode/torque control mode.
Position control mode:
The operation continues.
Speed control mode/torque control mode:
The operation continues. (Positioning
start is not executed.)
104 Restart not possible
The restart command is issued when the
axis operation status is not "Stopped".
Continue the operation.
109 Teaching in BUSY
The teaching request is issued while the
axis is BUSY.
The warning is issued for the axis
designated at the time of the teaching
Less than minimum
The overridden speed becomes “0”.
The system is controlled with the currently
executing unit of 1.
The request for writing to the flash ROM is
issued when the PLC READY is turned
The warning for axis 1 is issued.
112 Illegal override value
A value other than 1 to 300 is set for the
override value.
• When a setting value is 0:
Controlled at 100.
• When a setting value is 301 or more:
Controlled at 300.
Outside new torque
value range/outside
forward new torque
value range
A new torque value/forward new torque
value is exceeded the torque limit setting
(Note): When the individual setting is used
for new torque value and reverse
new torque value, it indicates
outside forward new torque value.
The torque change is not carried out.
114 Below bias speed
The command speed is below the bias
speed at start.
Operate by the bias speed at start.
Outside reverse new
torque value range
A reverse new torque value is exceeded
the torque limit setting value.
The torque change is not carried out.