9 - 46
Chapter 9 Major Positioning Control
When the "reference axis speed" is set during 4-axis linear interpolation control,
set so the major axis side becomes the reference axis. If the minor axis side is set
as the reference axis, the major axis side speed may exceed the "[Pr.8] Speed
limit value".
Refer to Section 9.1.6 "Interpolation control" for the reference axis and
interpolation axis combinations.
[2] 4-axis linear interpolation control (INC linear 4)
In the incremental system 4-axis linear interpolation control, the designated 4
axes are used. Linear interpolation positioning is carried out from the current stop
position (start point address) to a position at the end of the movement amount set
in the "[Da.6] Positioning address/movement amount". The movement direction is
determined by the sign of the movement amount.
An error will occur and the positioning will not start in the following cases. The
machine will immediately stop if the error is detected during a positioning operation.
When the movement amount for each axis exceeds "1073741824 (=2
The error "Outside linear movement amount range" (error code: 504) will occur at
the positioning start.
(The maximum movement amount that can be set in "[Da.6] Positioning address/
movement amount" is "1073741824 (=2