9 - 66
Chapter 9 Major Positioning Control
(1) 2-axis circular interpolation control cannot be set in the following cases.
When "degree" is set in "[Pr.1] Unit setting"
When the units set in "[Pr.1] Unit setting" are different for the reference axis
and interpolation axis. ("mm" and "inch" combinations are possible.)
When "reference axis speed" is set in "[Pr.20] Interpolation speed designation
(2) An error will occur and the positioning start will not be possible in the following
cases. The machine will immediately stop if the error is detected during
positioning control.
When the radius exceeds "536870912 (=2
)". (The maximum radius for
which circular interpolation control is possible is "536870912 (=2
... The error "Outside radius range" (error code: 544) will occur at
positioning start.
When the sub point address is outside the range of "–2147483648 (–2
) to
2147483647 (2
... The error "Sub point setting error" (error code: 525) will occur.
When the end point address is outside the range of "–2147483648 (–2
) to
2147483647 (2
... The error "End point setting error" (error code: 526) will occur.
When the center point address is outside the range of "–2147483648 (–2
) to
2147483647 (2
... The error "Sub point setting error" (error code: 525) will occur at
positioning start.
When the start point address is the same as the end point address
... The error "End point setting error" (error code: 526) will occur.
When the start point address is the same as the sub point address
... The error "Sub point setting error" (error code: 525) will occur.
When the end point address is the same as the sub point address
... The error "Sub point setting error" (error code: 525) will occur.
When the start point address, sub point address, and end point address are in
a straight line
... The error "Sub point setting error" (error code: 525) will occur.