Chapter 1 Introduction
© National Instruments Corp. 1-5 NI-488.2 User Manual for Windows
Controlling More Than One Board
Multiboard drivers, such as the NI-488.2 driver for Windows, can control more than one
interface board. Figure 1-3 shows an example of a multiboard system configuration.
gpib0 is the access board for the voltmeter, and gpib1 is the access board for the
plotter and printer. The control functions of the devices automatically access their
respective boards.
Digital Voltmeter
Figure 1-3. Example of Multiboard System Setup
Configuration Requirements
To achieve the high data transfer rate that the GPIB was designed for, you must limit the
physical distance between devices and the number of devices on the bus. The following
restrictions are typical:
• A maximum separation of four meters between any two devices and an average
separation of two meters over the entire bus.
• A maximum total cable length of 20 m.
• A maximum of 15 devices connected to each bus, with at least two-thirds powered on.