© National Instruments Corp. 4-1 NI-488.2 User Manual for Windows
Chapter 4
Debugging Your Application
This chapter describes several ways to debug your application program.
Running wibtest
Presence Test of Driver
The wibtest program tests for the presence of the NI-488.2 driver gpib.dll and the
NI-488.2 configuration information file gpib.ini. If gpib.dll is not in the
Windows directory, a warning box pops up with the following text:
File Error: Cannot find GPIB.DLL
Press the Close button. wibtest displays the following error message when it fails:
<<< No driver present for GPIB
. >>>
To correct the problem, make sure that the file gpib.dll is in the Windows directory
(usually c:\windows). The same error message is displayed if gpib.ini is not
located in the Windows directory. If you are unable to locate gpib.dll or gpib.ini ,
you should reinstall the NI-488.2 software.
Presence Test of Board
The following error message appears if the board gpib
is not installed or if the
software is not configured properly:
<<< No board present for GPIB
. >>>
If this message appears, you could have one of the following situations:
• The Use this GPIB Interface field in wibconf might be set to no for
board gpib
. If you want to use the board, you must set this field to yes.
Before you run your application program, you should run the software diagnostic test,
wibtest, that came with your NI-488.2 software. The wibtest program is an
NI-488.2 application that makes calls to the driver. If wibtest passes, your GPIB
hardware and NI-488.2 software are interacting correctly. The following paragraphs
describe the messages you might receive while running wibtest, and how to resolve
each problem. The term
refers to one of the boards gpib0, gpib1 , gpib2, and