Chapter 5 wibic–Windows Interface Bus Interactive Control Utility
© National Instruments Corp. 5-9 NI-488.2 User Manual for Windows
Table 5-3. Syntax for NI-488.2 Routines in wibic (Continued)
Routine Syntax
SetRWLS addrlist
Put devices in remote with lockout state
TestSys addrlist
Causes multiple devices to perform self tests
Test for service request
Trigger address
Trigger a device
TriggerList addrlist
Trigger multiple devices
Wait for service request
Status Word
In wibic, all NI-488 functions (except ibfind and ibdev ) and NI-488.2 routines
return the status word ibsta in two forms: a hex value in square brackets and a list of
mnemonics in parentheses. In the following example, the status word is on the second
line. It shows that the device function write operation completed successfully:
ud0: ibwrt "f2t3x"
[0100] (cmpl)
count: 5
For more information about the status word, refer to Chapter 3, Developing Your
Error Information
If an NI-488 function or NI-488.2 routine completes with an error, wibic displays the
relevant error mnemonic. In the following example, the error condition EBUS has
occurred during a data transfer.
ud0: ibwrt "f2t3x"
[8100] (err cmpl)
error: EBUS
count: 1
In this example, the addressing command bytes could not be transmitted to the device.
This indicates that either dev1 is powered off, or the GPIB cable is disconnected.