wibic–Windows Interface Bus Interactive Control Utility Chapter 5
NI-488.2 User Manual for Windows 5-6 © National Instruments Corp.
Table 5-1. Syntax for Device-Level NI-488 Functions in wibic
Syntax Description
ibask mn
Return configuration information where mn is a mnemonic for a
configuration parameter or equivalent integer value
ibbna brdname
Change access board of device where brdname is symbolic
name of new board
Clear specified device
ibconfig mn v
Alter configurable parameters where mn is mnemonic for a
configuration parameter or equivalent integer value
ibdev v v v v v v
Open an unused device
ibdev parameters are board id , pad , sad , tmo , eos , eot
ibeos v
Change/disable EOS message
ibeot v
Enable/disable END message
ibln v v
Check for presence of device on the GPIB at pad, sad
Go to local
ibonl v
Place device online or offline
ibpad v
Change primary address
Pass control
ibppc v
Parallel poll configure
ibrd v
Read data where v is the bytes to read
ibrda v
Read data asynchronously where v is the bytes to read
ibrdf flname
Read data to file where flname is pathname of file to read
Conduct a parallel poll
Return serial poll byte
ibsad v
Change secondary address
Abort asynchronous operation
ibtmo v
Change/disable time limit
Trigger selected device
ibwait mask
Wait for selected event where mask is a hex, octal, or decimal
integer or a mask bit mnemonic
ibwrt string
Write data
ibwrta string
Write data asynchronously
ibwrtf flname
Write data from a file where flname is pathname of file to write