1 Operator’s Panel
Keys PgUp and
PgDn are used for turning pages within the text.
Keys INS and
DEL serve for inserting and deleting characters.
The above listed units (monitor and keyboard) constitute the permanent part of NC and are
transported together with the control in any case of configuration.
The NC keyboard is fitted with repeater-type keys. This means
) that a depressed key produces an immediate effect,
) that a held-down key produces an effect again after a programmed delay (Typematic Delay),
) that, with the key held down permanently, the appropriate code will be entered into the
CPU of the system over and over again at a programmed rate (Typematic Rate).
The delay (TD) and the rate (TR) can be set with the help of parameter 1121 TYPEMATIC
(for details see Parameters).
1.1.2 Information Displayed in General Displaying Area and the Status Bar
Information seen in general displaying area can be divided into 3 parts:
– in the bottom line are the fields of current captions of softkeys,
– above - in the middle of screen - is the general displaying area,
– while the top three lines form the status bar.
The Status Bar
The top three lines give a general outlook on the present status of control and machine tool.
The content of this displaying area is permanent, no matter which general screening area is
In the first line there are eight status fields. Each status field can only display logically
connecting states. In case there are more states to be displayed in one status field (for there are
simultaneously more state conditions), the last one in the list below is shown.
1 State of First Operation Mode Group
– MDI: manual data input mode
– AUTM: automatic mode, program execution from memory
– AUTD: automatic mode, program execution from external device
– EDIT: edit mode
2 State of Second Operation Mode Group
– JOG: jog mode
– INCR: incremental jog mode
– HNDL: manual handle feed mode
– REF: manual reference point return mode
– SBEX: execution of a single block