3 General Displaying Areas and Actions Executed on Them
3 General Displaying Areas and Actions Executed on Them
Each general displaying area is accessible any time, independent of the current operation mode
or other states of control.
However actions belonging to the given display cannot be executed any time, the execution
can depend on the mode or other states of control. For example editing of parameters can only
be done in EDIT mode, although the list of parameters can be seen any time, in AUTOMATIC
mode even during machining . If execution of an action is impossible in the given control
mode, it is indicated by two arrows pointing at each other º» (conflicting state) in the status
field of the seventh message line.
It is quite another matter, that the action may be able to be executed in any control mode, still
the action will not be effective immediately. For example the tool offset value can be changed
any time, even during milling, yet the machining must be interrupted (create INTD state) and
restarted for the control to register the new offset value.