3.3 PROGRAM Screens
New Action: When pressing the
softkey a window opens
in the bottom left part of
general displaying area,
where the program num-
ber can be typed in. The
input can be terminated
by any arrow key. In this
case a new program oc-
curs with the number
entered, or an error mes-
sage is displayed, if there
is already a program with
the same number or if
there is no room in the
If the program number input is terminated by the arrow pointing to the right, the name of the
program can also be specified here. When typing a name, switch-over between normal and
capital letters can be done by means of page keys, while by pressing INS , and ', :, " or !
accented or special characters can be entered.
Search Action: After pressing the softkey a program number can be entered into the window
in the bottom left corner of general displaying area. By terminating number input by
means of any arrow key the highlighting bar goes to the registered program, or an error
message is displayed, if there is no program with the entered number in the memory.
Delete Action Menu: By pressing the key another three actions occur: Ramdisc, Exec,
Cancel. By means of Ramdisc key it can be decided, whether the programs in memory
or the programs of NCT90RD unit connected to the control are to be deleted. As the
effect of Exec the action is executed, while with the help of Cancel the action can be
canceled; in this case the first level of the action menu is displayed.
Load Action Menu: By pressing the key the following actions appear in the menu bar: Serial,
Ramdisc, Prom, Exec and Cancel. By means of the first three switches it can be set,
from where is the program to be loaded in the control memory. As the effect of Exec
the loading process starts, while with the help of Cancel the first level of action menu
can be displayed.
SSave Action Menu:
By pressing the key the following actions appear: Serial, Ramdisc, Exec
and Cancel. By means of the first two switches it can be set, where to is/are the
selected program(s) to be saved. The saving process starts as the Exec key is affected,
while the Cancel key displays the first level of action menu, this way canceling the
Run Action Menu: By pressing the key the following softkeys appear in the menu bar: Auto,
Manual data input, DNC and DNC NCT, Table. By means of the first softkey
(Auto) the program can be selected for automatic operation. The key is ineffective, if
the control is in automatic mode and state INTD, STRT or STOP is in effect. With the
help of the second action key the program of manual data input mode can be selected.
The last two action keys determine the DNC mode. The DNC key switches over the
control to simple DNC mode without protocol, while with the help of DNC NCT key