3.3 PROGRAM Screens
DNC contact working on the basis of DNC protocol can be implemented. The Chart
action is only effective in Edit mode. By pressing it, provided program No. T (tool pot
table) or P (PLC table) is highlighted, the file containing the selected chart is loaded to
the appropriate chart. See the chapter 3.6.5 “TOOL POT TABLE” and the chapter
3.6.6 “PLC TABLE”. Using key DNC FEW programs can be executed from PC
optionally integrated into the control.
Restore Action Menu: When pressing the softkey the deleted files, that are still in the control
memory and can be totally undeleted are displayed in the general displaying area. By
moving the highlighting bar to the appropriate program the selected file can be re-
applied with the help of Exec action.
Sort Action Menu: The sorting of programs found in directory in the - by softkeys - selected
aspect can be implemented. Within the sort action menu the following softkeys exist:
Incrsg (increasing), Decrsg (decreasing). the sorting direction, as well as Selected
(selected), Type, Size (byte) and Number for selecting the sorting aspect. As the
effect of Exec
the action is executed.
Protected Action: As the effect of the action the protected attribute of the selected file(s) can
be switched on or off.
3.3.2 VIEW Screen
In the general displaying area the
list of the program selected on
DIRECTORY screen, can be
seen. The number and name of
the program can always be seen
in the topmost line. A highlight-
ing bar can be moved on the
program, which highlights one
block at a time. The highlighting
bar can be moved by arrow and
page keys.
The highlighting bar has function
by Block search actions. There
the bar is also a means of
selecting the block from which
the machining is to be continued.
Actions of VIEW Screen
On the VIEW screen the following actions and action menus are at disposal, after the action
menu key is pressed:
search 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
First Action:
When pressing the key the highlighting bar goes to the first block of the pro-