3-12 Command Line Interface Commands Reference
cp { name | index } filterset string
no cp { name | index } filterset [string]
show cp { name | index } filterset
These commands allow you to associate a filter set with the a connection profile. The filter set is identified by
cp { name | index } ip addressing { numbered | unnumbered }
This command allows you to specify whether or not the WAN interface using this profile has an IP address. With
point-to-point connections, a WAN IP address is not necessary for the router to function properly, but may be
required, depending on how the equipment at the other end is configured.
cp { name | index } ip address local { ip-addr | ip-addr/mask-bits | ip-addr mask }
This command allows you to set the profile’s local WAN IP address.
cp { name | index } ip address remote { ip-addr | ip-addr/mask-bits | ip-addr mask }
This command allows you to set the profile’s remote WAN IP address.
cp { name | index } ip dhcp client mode { standard | copper-mountain | cmn }
show cp { name | index } ip dhcp client mode
These commands allow you to set or show the router’s DHCP mode, whether standard, copper-mountain, or
The connection profile, default profile, and IP configuration structures now include a dhcp client mode setting
that selects between the standard RFC 2131 standards-based mode of operation (the default), and the cop-
per-mountain or cmn proprietary mode of operation.
When the DHCP client is activated on a RFC1483 MER interface, it examines the dhcp client mode in the
associated connection profile (or the default profile there was no explicitly configured connection profile). If the
dhcp client mode specifies standard, the DHCP client initializes the htype and hlen fields in the header of its
DHCP requests to the appropriate values for an RFC1483 MER interface (htype = 1 and hlen = 6). If the dhcp
client mode specifies copper-mountain or cmn, the DHCP client initializes the htype and hlen fields in the
header of its DHCP requests to zero.
When the DHCP client is activated on an Ethernet WAN interface, it examines the dhcp client mode in the
associated IP configuration structure, and behaves as described above for the RFC1483 MER DHCP client.
Note: cmn is accepted as a synonym for copper-mountain.
show cp { name | index } ip dhcp client status
Note: The command above is supported beginning with firmware version 8.5.
This command allows you to display the status of the ethernet WAN being served via DHCP for the specified
connection profile. It displays:
IP Address IP Subnet Mask