
2-72 Command Line Interface Commands Reference
igmp fast-leave [ yes | no ]
no igmp fast-leave
show igmp fast-leave
These commands allow you to specify or show the status of the non-standard procedure fast-leave to decrease
the time to detect that a group has no more members.
show igmp groups
This command allows you to display the IGMP Snooping table.
igmp wireless-m2u [ on | off ]
Note: This command is supported beginning with Firmware Version 8.7.4.
This command allows you enable or disable wireless multicast-to-unicast if igmp snooping is set to yes.
The router replaces the multicast MAC-address with the physical MAC-address of the wireless client. If there is
more than one wireless client interested in the same multicast group, the router will revert to multicasting the
stream immediately. When one or more wireless clients leave a group, and the router determines that only a
single wireless client is interested in the stream, it will once again unicast the stream.