Motorola Netopia® Router CLI Commands 2-47
For one of the B-channels of a switched ISDN interface, the possible status strings and their meanings are:
#show interface isdn 1 status
Connected at 144 Kbps
interface isdn id speed { b1 | b2 | 2b | 2b+d }
show interface isdn id speed
These commands, which apply only to permanent ISDN (i.e., IDSL), allow you to set or show the data rate (and
B Channel usage) of the ISDN line. b1 means use Channel B1 at 64 Kbps, b2 means use Channel B2 at 64
Kbps, 2b means use both Channels B1 and B2 at 128 Kbps, and 2b+d means use all three channels at 144
interface isdn id switch { auto | ni1 | 5esspttopt | 5essmultipt | dms100 | ts013 | euroisdn |
japanntt | uk-euro }
This command allows you to change the ISDN switch type. This command applies only to switched ISDN. The
only currently supported id is 1, which identifies the ISDN interface in the WAN 1 slot of the Motorola Netopia
router. The WAN 2 slot (id 2) cannot be populated with an ISDN wanlet at this time, and the Motherboard (id 0)
is incapable of supporting ISDN internally.
Under many circumstances it is unnecessary to explicitly set the switch type, particularly in Europe. This is
because for “S/T” ISDN routers the default switch type is euroisdn, and for “U” ISDN routers the default switch
type is ni1.
Active, n of m SPIDs
registered (p failed)
The interface is active, and this is an interface that requires
SPIDs. n indicates the number of SPIDs that have been
successfully registered so far, m indicates the total number of
SPIDs to be registered, and p indicates the number of SPIDs
that failed registration. If the sum of n and p is less than m, the
device is still in the process of registering some of the SPIDs.
Status String Meaning
Inactive The associated interface is not yet active.
Idle The channel is not currently in use.
Speech Call The channel is in use by a speech call.
64 Kbps Data Call The channel is in use for a 64 Kbps data call.
56 Kbps Data Call The channel is in use for a 56 Kbps data call.
3.1 Khz Call The channel is in use for a 3.1 Khz call.
Status String Meaning