Motorola Netopia® Router CLI Commands 2-79
ip dhcp gen-option tag data-type { ascii | hex | dotted-decimal }
This command allows you to specify the DHCP gen-option data type: ascii, hex or dotted-decimal.
65 IP address list Multiples of 4 Yes
66 - 67 String (up to 100 characters) N Yes
68 - 76 IP address list Multiples of 4 Yes
77 Pascal string list (length byte + data) N Yes
78 - 79 Complex N No
80 Empty 0 No
81 Complex N No
82 Sub-option list N Yes
83 Complex N No
84 Undefined ?? Yes
85 IP address list Multiples of 4 Yes
86 - 87 Unicode String Multiples of 2 Yes
88 Encoded DN list N Yes
89 IP address list Multiples of 4 Yes
90 Complex N No
91 - 97 Undefined/Weakly defined ?? Yes
98 String (up to 100 characters) N Yes
99 - 115 Undefined/Weakly defined ?? Yes
116 Flag 1 Yes
117 Unsigned 2 byte integer list Multiples of 2 Yes
118 IP address 4 Yes
119 Encoded DN list 2 N Yes
120 Encoded DN list or IPAddress list N Yes
121 - 125 Complex N No
126 - 127 Undefined N Yes
128 IP address list Multiples of 4 Yes
129 - 223 Undefined/Weakly defined ?? Yes
224 - 254 Private Use N Yes
249 (note) Microsoft uses this instead of 121 N Yes
255 Empty 0 No
Option Data Format
Data Size