● Never rely solely on the hill descent
control system to control vehicle speed
when driving on steep downhill grades.
Always drive carefully when using the
hill descent control system and decel-
erate the vehicle speed by depressing
the brake pedal if necessary. Be espe-
cially careful when driving on frozen,
muddy or extremely steep downhill
roads. Failure to control vehicle speed
may result in a loss of control of the
vehicle and possible serious injury or
● Thehill descent control maynot control
thevehicle speedon ahill underallload
or road conditions. Always be prepared
to depress the brake pedal to control
vehicle speed. Failure to do so may re-
sult in a collision or serious personal
When the hill descent control system op-
erates continuously for a long time, the
temperature of the brake pads may in-
crease andthe hill descentcontrol system
maybe temporarilydisabled (theindicator
light will blink). If the indicator light does
not come on continuously after blinking,
stop using the system.
The hill descent control system is designed to
reduce driver workload when going down steep
hills. The hill descent control system helps to
control vehicle speed so the driver can concen-
trate on steering the vehicle.
To activate the hill descent control system:
● the 4WD switch must be in the 4L position
and the vehicle speed must be under 15
mph (25 km/h) or
● the 4WD switch must be in the 4H position
and the vehicle speed must be under 21
mph (35 km/h), and
● the hill descent control system switch must
be ON.
The hill descent control system on indicator light
will come on when the system is activated. Also,
thestop/taillights illuminatewhile thehilldescent
control system applies the brakes to control ve-
hicle speed.
If the accelerator or brake pedal is depressed
while the hill descent control system is on, the
system will stop operating temporarily. As soon
as the accelerator or brake pedal isreleased, the
hill descent control system begins to function
again if the hill descent control operating condi-
tions are fulfilled.
The hill descent control system on indicator light
blinks if the switch is on and all conditions for
system activation are not met or if the system
becomes disengaged for any reason.
To turn off the hill descent control system, push
the switch to the OFF position.
For additional information,see “Hill descent con-
trol system on indicator light” earlier in this sec-
tion and “Hill descent control system” in the
“Starting and driving”section of this manual.
so equipped)
Instruments and controls 2-31