If a type A fuse is used to replace a type B fuse,
the type A fuse will not be level with the fuse
pocket as shown in the illustration. This will not
affect theperformance ofthe fuse.Make sure the
fuse is installed in the fuse box securely.
Type B fuses cannot be installed in the under-
hood fuse boxes. Only use type A fuses in the
underhood fuse boxes.
Never use a fuse of a higher or lower
amperage rating than specified on the
fuse box cover. This could damage the
electrical system or cause a fire.
If any electrical equipment does not come on,
check for an open fuse.
1. Besure theignitionswitch andthe headlight
switch are OFF.
2. Open the engine hood.
3. Remove the fuse box cover by pushing the
tab and lifting the cover up.
4. Remove the fuse with the fuse puller. The
fusepuller islocated inthe centerofthe fuse
block in the passenger compartment.
LDI0457 LDI0444
Maintenance and do-it-yourself 8-23