4. When activated, the hazard indicator will
flash twice. When deactivated, the hazard
indicator will flash once.
5. The ignition switch must be placed in the
OFF and ON position again between each
setting change.
When theautomatic doorunlock systemis deac-
tivated, thedoors donot unlockwhen theignition
switch is placed in the OFF position. To unlock
the doormanually, usethe insidelock knobor the
power door lock switch (driver’s or front passen-
ger’s side).
Child safety locks help prevent the rear doors
from being opened accidentally, especially when
small children are in the vehicle.
The child safety lock levers are located on the
edge of the rear doors.
When the lever is in the LOCK position, the
door can be opened only from the outside.
The remote keyless entry keyfob trans-
mits radio waves when the buttons are
pushed. TheFAAadvises radiowaves may
affect aircraftnavigation and communica-
tion systems. Do not operate the remote
keyless entry keyfob while on an airplane.
Make sure the buttons are not operated
unintentionally when the unit is stored for
a flight.
It is possible to lock/unlock all doors, turn the
interior light on, and activate the panic alarm by
using the keyfob from outside the vehicle.
Be sure to remove the key from the vehicle
before locking the doors.
The keyfob can operate at a distance of approxi-
mately33 ft(10 m)fromthe vehicle.The effective
distance depends upon the conditions around
the vehicle.
As many as 5 keyfobs can be used with one
vehicle. For informationconcerning the purchase
and useof additional keyfobs, contacta NISSAN
Pre-driving checks and adjustments 3-5