Fill the windshield-washer fluid reservoir periodi-
cally. Add windshield-washer fluid when the low
windshield-washer fluid warning light comes on.
To fill the windshield-washer fluid reservoir, lift
the cap off the reservoir tank and pour the win-
dow washer fluid into the tank opening.
Add a washer solvent to the washer for better
cleaning. In the winter season, add a windshield
washer antifreeze. Follow the manufacturer’s in-
structions for the mixture ratio.
Refill the reservoir more frequently when driving
conditions require an increased amount of
windshield-washer fluid.
Recommended fluid is Genuine NISSAN Wind-
shield Washer Concentrate Cleaner & Anti-
freeze or equivalent.
● Do not substitute engine anti-freeze
coolantfor windshield-washersolution.
This may result in damage to the paint.
● Do not fill the windshield-washer reser-
voir tank with washer fluid concen-
trates at full strength. Some methyl al-
cohol based washer fluid concentrates
may permanently stain the grille if
spilled while filling the windshield-
washer reservoir tank.
● Pre-mix washer fluid concentrates with
water to the manufacturer’s recom-
mended levels before pouring the fluid
into the windshield-washer reservoir
tank. Do not use the windshield-washer
reservoir tank to mix the washer fluid
concentrate and water.
● Keep the battery surface clean and dry.
Clean the battery with a solution of baking
soda and water.
● Make certain the terminal connections are
clean and securely tightened.
● If the vehicleis not to beused for 30 days or
longer, disconnect the negative (-) battery
terminal cable to prevent discharge.
● Do not expose the battery to flames, an
electrical spark or a cigarette. Hydro-
gen gas generated by the battery is ex-
plosive. Explosive gases can cause
blindness orinjury. Do notallow battery
fluid to contact your skin, eyes, fabrics
or painted surfaces. Sulfuric acid can
cause blindness or injury. After touch-
ing a battery or battery cap, do not
touch or rub your eyes. Thoroughly
wash your hands. If the acid contacts
your eyes, skin or clothing, immediately
flush with water for at least 15 minutes
and seek medical attention.
Maintenance and do-it-yourself 8-13