● Albums
● Artists
● Genres
● Composers
● Audiobooks
The following keys shown on the screen are also
● MENU: returns to the previous screen.
: plays/pauses the music selected.
SEEK/CAT and TRACK buttons:
When the
SEEK/CAT button or
TRACK button is pressed for less than 1.5 sec-
onds while the iPodா is playing, the next track or
the beginning of the current track on the iPodா
will be played.
When the
SEEK/CAT button or
TRACK button is pressed for more than 1.5 sec-
onds while the iPodா is playing, the iPodா will
playwhile fastforwarding orrewinding.When the
button is released, the iPodா will return to the
normal play speed.
Connecting iPodா
To connect an iPodா to the vehicle so that the
iPodா can be controlled with the audio system
controls and display screen, use the USB jack
located in the center console. Connect the
iPodா-specific end of the cable to the iPodா and
the USB end of the cable to the USB jack on the
. If your iPodா supports charging via a
USB connection,its batterywill be chargedwhile
connected to the vehicle with the ignition switch
in the ACC or ON position.
While connected to the vehicle, the iPodா can
only be operated by the vehicle audio controls.
To disconnectthe iPodாfrom the vehicle,remove
the USB end of the cable from the USB jack on
the vehicle, then remove the cable from the
*iPodா is a trademark of Apple Inc., registered in
the U.S. and other countries.
The following models are compatible:
● iPodா 5th Generation version 1.2.3
● iPodா Classic - version 1.1.1
● iPodா Touch - version 2.0.0*
● iPodா Nano - 1st generation version 1.3.1
● iPodா Nano - 2nd generation version 1.1.3
● iPodா Nano - 3rd generation version 1.1.3
● iPodா Nano - 4th generation version 1.0.4
● iPodா Nano - 5th generation version 1.0.1
* Some features of this iPodா may not be fully
Make sure thatyour iPodா firmwareis updated to
the version indicated above.
Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-93