Before starting
To get the best performance from NISSAN Voice
Recognition, observe the following:
● Keep the interior of the vehicle as quiet as
possible.Close thewindows toeliminatethe
surrounding noises (traffic noises, vibration
sounds, etc.),which may preventthe system
from recognizing the voice commands cor-
● When the climate control is in the AUTO
mode, the fan speed decreases automati-
cally for easy recognition.
● Wait until a tone sounds before speaking a
● Speak in a natural voice without pausing
between words.
Giving voice commands
1. Press and release the switch located
on the steering wheel.
2. A list of commands appears on the screen,
and the system announces, “Please say a
command from thedisplayed list or sayHelp
to show all commands.”
3. After the tone sounds and the icon on the
screen changes from
to , speak
a command.
4. Once a command is recognized, the system
will announce the recognized command and
perform the requested action.
If the command is not recognized, the sys-
tem repeats the announcement. Repeat the
command in a clear voice after the tone.
WHA1332 LHA1345
4-160 Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systems