The system should respond correctly to all voice
commands without difficulty. If problems are en-
countered, followthe solutionsgiven inthis guide
for the appropriate error.
Where the solutions are listed by number, try
each solution in turn, starting with number one,
until the problem is resolved.
Symptom/error message Solution
NIZED”or the system fails to interpret
the command correctly.
1. Ensure that the command format is valid, see “StandardMode command list” or“Alternate Command Mode commandlist” in this
2. Speak clearly using your normal speech pattern andat a level appropriate to the ambient noise level.
3. Ensure that the ambient noise level is notexcessive, for example, windows open or defrost on.
If it is too noisy to use the phone, it is likely that voice commands will not be recognized.
The system consistently selects the
wrong voicetag in the phonebook.
1. Ensure that the voicetag requested matches what was originallystored. See “Bluetoothா Hands-Free Phone System with Navigation
System”in this section.
2. Replace one of the voicetags being confused witha different voicetag.
4-164 Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systems