Music Box menu
There are some options available during play-
back. Select the “Menu” key, then select one of
the following that are displayed on the screen, if
necessary. Refer to the following information for
each item:
● Music Library
There are some options available during
playback. Select one of the following op-
tions that are displayed on the screen, if
● Albums
Play tracks in each album. The albums are
stored in alphabetical order.
● Artists
Play tracks by an artist whose music is cur-
rently being played. The artists are stored in
alphabetical order.
● Genres
Play tracks by genre by selecting from the
displayed list.
● All Songs
Play tracks from all recorded tracks. The
tracks are stored in alphabetical order.
● Transfer Titles from USB
Update thein-vehicle GracenoteாDatabase
using aUSBmemory device.Search thetitle
from information acquired on the Internet.
Visit www.nissanusa.com/gracenote/ for
● Transfer Missing Titles to USB
Transfer the information of an album re-
corded without titles to the USB memory.
Visit www.nissanusa.com/gracenote/ for
● Update Missing Titles
Search the title using the database in the
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Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-99