
5250 Connect Users Guide
Maximizing Performance of 5250 Terminal Components
Once the launch screen is obtained by the logon Components logon actions, it is
handed to the 5250 Terminal Component that uses the connection. Then the 5250
Terminal component (when finished executing) leaves the screen handler back at
the launch screen. If the 5250 Component finishes without being on the launch
screen,(i.e. it releases the connection back to the pool with an invalid screen) then
it is possible that all subsequent 5250 Components that use the connection may
throw exceptions rendering the connection useless. It also will degrade overall
performance and possibly cause data integrity problems within the component
Once again, ensure that the launch screen is present. The last action to execute in
a 5250 Component must be a Map Screen that checks for the launch screen. This
can be tricky if your component has many decision paths that may independently
end component execution. You must be sure that each path ends with a Map
Screen action.
Errors Involving Logon Connections
If connection pooling is used, and there has been an attempt to log on with a bad
UserID or Password, that connection instance will not be usable and that member
of the pool will be skipped over in subsequent connection requests. An error
message will be sent to the server log saying Logon connection in pool <Pool
name> was discarded for User ID <User ID>. You should check for messages of
this sort during preproduction testing and/or any time performance issues arise.
There are a few different steps you can take to resolve a bad UserID or Password:
Alert your System Administrator that the UserID and Password doesnt
work. If the administrator checks the ID and Password and it is good, then
reset the server from the Connection Manager Console.
If the UserID and Password is bad, remove it from the connection pool.
Managing Pools
Connections pools can be managed through the 5250 Console Screen.
¾ How to Access the Console
1 If you are using the Novell exteNd Application Server, log on to your server
via your web browser using http://localhost/SilverMaster50 (or whatever
is appropriate for the version in use). In this example, Novell exteNd App
Server 5.0 is used.