Logon Components,Connections and Connection Pools
Logon Components,Connections
and Connection Pools Chapter 5
This section discusses certain features available in the 5250 Connect designed to
maximize performance of deployed services.
About 5250 Terminal Session Performance
The overall performance of any service that uses back-end connectivity is usually
dependent on the time it takes to establish a connection and begin interacting with
the host. Obtaining the connection is “expensive” in terms of wait time. One
strategy for dealing with this is connection pooling, a scheme whereby an
intermediary process (whether the app server itself, or some memory-resident
background process not associated with the server) maintains a set number of pre-
established, pre-authenticated connections, and oversees the “sharing out” of
these connections among client applications or end users.
Connection pooling overcomes the latency involved in opening a connection and
authenticating to a host. But in terminal-based applications, a considerable
amount of time can be spent “drilling down” through menu selections and
navigating setup screens in order to get to the first bonafide application screen of
the session. So even when connections are reused through pooling, session-prolog
overhead can be a serious obstacle to performance.
Composer addresses these issues by providing connection pooling, managed by a
special kind of component (called a logon component) that can maintain an open
connection at a particular “drill-down” point in a terminal session, so that clients
can begin transactions immediately at the proper point in the session.
When Will I Need Logon Components?
Logon Components are useful in several types of situations: