
5250 Connect Users Guide
3 It allows a single User ID to use multiple connections if this is supported by
the host system
4 It keeps a connection active to prevent host timeouts during inactive periods
5 It lets you specify when to remove a connection from the active pool
6 It sets a timeout period to use for a fully active pool to provide a free
7 It lets you specify error handling dependent on the state of the Logon
Component used by the Logon Connection
Many-to-One Relationship of Components to Logons
In order for multiple instances of a 5250 Terminal component or different 5250
Terminal components to use a same Logon Connection, the following conditions
must be met:
1 All the 5250 Terminal components must use the same Connection Resource
(thereby sharing the TN5250 Host, Port and data encoding parameters)
2 All the 5250 Terminal components must have a common launch screen in
the host system from which they can begin execution (see About the 5250
Logon Component above for more detail).
Connection Pooling with a Single Sign-On
If your host system security supports multiple logins from a single user ID, you
may have circumstances where you wish to pool the single User ID. This can be
accomplished by performing the following steps:
Specify a User ID/Password in the Connection Resource used by the Logon
On the Pool Info dialog of the Logon Connection, specify a Pool Size greater
than 1.
Do NOT check the Override the UID/PWD setting in the Pool Info dialog
of the logon Connection.
These steps will cause each pool slot to use the User ID and Password contained
in the Connection object and not use and user IDs from the pool.