Logon Components,Connections and Connection Pools
Logon Actions
Actions you place in the Logon group are primarily concerned with signing into
the host security screen and then navigating through the host menu system to a
launch screen where each 5250 Terminal component’s Action Model will start. It
is important that any 5250 Terminal component using a Logon component be able
to start execution at the same common screen. Otherwise, the performance gains
of avoiding navigation overhead won’t be realized and more importantly, the odd
5250 terminal component won’t work.
You can create actions under the Logon Actions block the same way as you would
in an ordinary 5250 Terminal Component—namely by using the Record feature to
create (in real time) whatever actions are necessary in order to enter sign-on info
such as User ID and Password (as well as your initial menu choices to arrive at the
launch screen).
NOTE: Remember to use the User IDs and Passwords from the Logon
Connection Pool. (See the discussion in “Creating a Logon Connection Using a
Pool Connection” below.) To do this, you need to map the two special system
variables called USERID and PASSWORD to the appropriate fields on the screen.
By specifying these two variables, you make it possible for exteNd Composer to
automatically locate and use values from the next active and free Pool slot.
The launch screen is a common point of execution for all the 5250 Terminal
Components that use the User ID pool provided by a Logon Connection. The
Logon actions in a Logon Component (which are executed only once when a new
connection is established) let the calling component—your 5250 Terminal
Component—begin execution at a given screen in the host program.