Overview 7
Manual 3/17/03103Novell Confidential 01overvw.fm last saved 4/14/03
Authentication is performed using a login form, which the user completes and submits to the
Liberty IDP. If the user’s credentials (username and password) are verified, the user is
authenticated and is able to federate his or her identities with chosen service providers.
Give Users Control to Federate and Defederate Their Identity Information
A user has the option to federate his or her identity whenever he or she connects to a Liberty SP
that is within the circle of trust with that user’s Liberty IDP.
The user is also able to view all of his or her federations, and can remove or defederate his or her
identity with any Liberty SP at any time.
Service Provider Sample Code
Although the Liberty identity provider for Novell eDirectory software does not provide an actual
Liberty SP, Novell provides sample code to accelerate the deployment of a Liberty SP. This code
is in the form of sample Web pages, JSPs and other Java code that allows users to federate and
display their federation information.