Installing the Liberty Identity Provider 9
Manual (99a) 3/17/03103Novell Confidential 02instal.fm last saved 4/14/03
2 Installing the Liberty Identity Provider
This chapter provides instructions for installing Liberty identity provider for Novell
software and contains the following topics:
Product Components
System Requirements
Installing Liberty Identity Provider Software
Uninstalling the Liberty Identity Provider Software
Product Components
Your Liberty identity provider (Liberty IDP) installation includes the following components and
specific version numbers:
Novell iManager 1.5.1
JVM* 1.4
Apache* 2
Tomcat* 4.1.18
WARNING: You must not have any of these components already installed on the machine where you will be
installing your Liberty identity provider. If any of these components are already installed, your Liberty identity
provider will not install successfully.
System Requirements
Review the following system requirements to ensure that your server and client environments meet
installation prerequisites:
“Liberty Identity Provider Requirements” on page 9
“Liberty Server Requirements” on page 9
Liberty Identity Provider Requirements
The Liberty IDP is a self-contained installation and does not require licensed hardware to run.
Liberty Server Requirements
You must have Novell eDirectory version 8.7 installed in your Liberty environment prior to
installing the Liberty identity provider. We recommend that you do not have eDirectory installed
on the same machine where you will be installing the Liberty IDP. Ideally, you should run your
Liberty IDP, service provider, and LDAP server on separate machines.