Installing and Configuring a Sample Service Provider 37
Manual 3/17/03103Novell Confidential 05appa.fm last saved 4/14/03
Figure 29 Signing Certificate Information: Keystore
11 Click Next.
12 Review the Pre-Installation Summary. If you need to make changes to your configuration,
click Previous to go back to previous screens. If you accept the configuration, click Install.
13 Restart Tomcat and Apache.
When the installation has completed, configure your SP by following the instructions in
Configuring Your Service Provider.
Configuring Your Service Provider
Complete the following steps to configure your SP:
1 Retrieve the Novell Liberty IDP for eDirectory metadata.
1a In your Web browser, enter your IDP's URL (for example, if you didn't change the
application name when you installed, your URL would be http://yourIDP'sDNSorIP/
nidp/metadata, assuming the defaults).
1b Copy the metadata in this page: From the menu, select View Source > Select All.
1c Copy the metadata to your clipboard.
2 Open the libertyconfig.xml file located at <Tomcat_home>\webapps\nwt\WEB-INF.
3 Paste the metadata after the line that says, "Paste IDP metadata after this line".
4 Save the file and close it.
5 Stop and restart the servlet container. (Anytime you make changes to this file, you need to stop
and restart the container.)
For instructions on how to import the SP's metadata to the IDP, see “3. Define Service Providers”
on page 25.