
18 Liberty Identity Provider for Novell eDirectory
Novell Confidential 02instal.fm last saved 4/14/03 Manual Version: 3/17/03103
13 Enter an application name. This name will be part of the URL that will be used by service
providers to request authentication services from you.
For example, if you use nidp, an nidp folder will be created in your Tomcat webapps folder
(<Tomcat_home>\webapps) with the identity provider Web application.
Figure 14 Application Name Page
14 Click Next.
15 Review the Pre-Installation Summary. If you need to make changes to your configuration,
click Previous to go back to previous screens. If you accept the configuration, click Install.
Figure 15 Pre-Installation Summary
The installation will extend the schema using eDirectory. (This process could take several
16 When the installation is complete, click Done.